Dr. Harrington

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The best time to stop projects or programs that will not be successful is before they are ever started. Research has shown that the focused use of realistic business case analysis on proposed initiatives could enable your organization to reduce the amount of project waste and churn (rework) by up to 40 percent, potentially avoiding millions of dollars lost on projects, programs, and initiatives that would fail to produce the desired results. This book illustrates how to develop a strong business case which links investments to program results and, ultimately, with the strategic outcomes of the organization. In addition, the book provides a template and example case studies for those seeking to fast-track the development of a business case within their organization.

Making the Case for Change: Using Effective Business Cases to Minimize Project and Innovation Failures provides executive teams and change agents with the information required to make better business case decisions. This book can be used throughout the life cycle of the project to assist with gaining a better understanding of the following key knowledge areas for developing a business case:

  • Understanding the present problem/improvement opportunity
  • Documenting how the project, program, or initiative will add value to the organization
  • Validating the data and the assumptions that the projected improvements are based upon
  • Calculating the level of confidence that can be placed upon the conclusions that are reached
  • Assessing the alternative solutions that were considered
  • Weighing the costs vs. the benefits of the proposed initiative
  • Analyzing and mitigating the risks to completing 100 percent of the project’s goals
  • Eliciting and prioritizing the requirements of key stakeholders and subject matter experts
  • Identifying the key people that are involved in the proposed project and the skills needed to implement the proposed change
  • Obtaining consensus on the decision to move forward, as well as on the methods used and the conclusions specified in the analysis

Ideal for executives and project/initiative managers seeking approval of an activity, initiative, program, or project, the book presents proven tips, advice, suggestions, and recommended courses of action for developing effective business cases. In addition, suggestions for recruiting a responsible senior officer or sponsor for the project and for engaging an audience are provided.

The authors combine their own experience in business case development with approaches used by world-class organizations. They provide a general range of assessment criteria that can be applied to almost any type of project business cases.

The text discusses each of the 8 activities and the 35 tasks that make up the business case development process. This process supplies you with a proven approach for creating comprehensive and well-constructed business case evaluations that will either ensure the success of your project, or eliminate unsuccessful projects, programs, and initiatives before they start.

If you find the topics in this book interesting you might also be intererested in the Enhance Solutions Platform™. Enhance is an enterprise-class cloud service that improves the performance of the enterprise. In particular, Enhance provides cloud based access to the large number of detailed Best Practice Process models described in the book Managing Innovative Projects and Programs: Using the ISO 56000 Standards for Guidance and Implementation. This allows you to manage each of your innovative projects and programs in a way that conforms with the recommendations of the ISO 56000 Innovation standard. Tell me more about the Enhance Solutions Platform

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