Dr. Harrington

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People with ideas are dreamers. People who get things done are doers. One doer is worth eight dreamers. There are three kinds of people who make up an innovator. There are inventors (people who have new and unique ideas), problem solvers (people who have ideas about how to correct a previous error) and entrepreneurs (people who transform ideas into realities). Put them altogether and they spell "innovator."

Most innovative books today focus on ways to create new and unique ideas; some of them also address problem-solving, but this is less than 10% of the methodologies that the innovator needs to master. The approaches used in this book transform an idea into reality, or to put it another way, deliver innovative products to make a profit for the organization and instill pride in its employees. This means that every step in the process needs to have innovation applied to it in order to meet the expectations and demands of today's sophisticated customer. This book is designed to help the reader and their organization complete the complex process of bringing a new product to market by presenting what is expected at each step in the cycle and providing step-by-step instructions on what to do at each specific step.

In large to mid-sized organizations this book is designed to help each individual understand how they fit into the innovative cycle and explains why they should be more creative related to the work they do and more conscious of the contributions they can make. It emphasizes the importance of every individual contributing to the organization's innovative process.

The book is designed to help the organization understand its Innovation Systems Cycle. In the early part of the cycle it focuses on weeding out projects that do not have the potential to produce value-added results to the stakeholders. By using the guidelines outlined in this book, an organization can reduce its new project failure rate by as much as 50% which should result in almost doubling the organization’s new product output thereby increasing profits by as much as 15%.

If you find the topics in this book interesting you might also be intererested in the Enhance Solutions Platform™. Enhance is an enterprise-class cloud service that improves the performance of the enterprise. In particular, Enhance provides cloud based access to the large number of detailed Best Practice Process models described in the book Managing Innovative Projects and Programs: Using the ISO 56000 Standards for Guidance and Implementation. This allows you to manage each of your innovative projects and programs in a way that conforms with the recommendations of the ISO 56000 Innovation standard. Tell me more about the Enhance Solutions Platform

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Our goal is not to become the largest consultancy agency but to be the agency known for the outstanding and lasting results we achieve with our clients. We work to support you on all stages of your business’s development.