Dr. Harrington

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This book, which is Book II of the three-book series, picks up where the original work left off. Out of these 1000+ methods they have selected the 33 advanced methods which have proven to be the most effective at adding real value to an organization and which are designed to help you fight your organization’s War on Waste. These methods are presented in five categories:

  • Advanced Systems Approaches
  • Advanced Data-Analysis Approaches
  • Advanced Idea-Generation Approaches
  • Advanced Decision-Making Approaches
  • Advanced Action/Execution Approaches

This set of advanced performance enhancement methods, when applied, will provide your organization with a competitive edge. This book is not for the weak of heart; these methods are designed to be utilized by the experienced problem solver who has already mastered the basic methods. It covers the best performance improvement approaches available. It is also chock full of each-to-understand examples and case studies.

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Harrington Management Systems offers advice and support to leading companies in various industries across the globe. We staff and manage your projects with our experts.

We are successful because of our people, the quality of our expert network and our ability to anticipate market changes and adapt to your needs. That is why we continuously invest in the education and coaching of our consultants and trainers.

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Our goal is not to become the largest consultancy agency but to be the agency known for the outstanding and lasting results we achieve with our clients. We work to support you on all stages of your business’s development.